Whistler Tourism Gears back up after Coronavirus - GlobalNews
News story by GlobalNews May 29, 2020
"At Whistler Photo Safari, general manager Sherry Hilliard says much of her traffic is now coming from the Lower Mainland, after travel restrictions wiped out the company’s international bookings.
Her company has limited bookings to one group per tour, is using PPE, and is making use of convertible vehicles so that passengers are in the open air.
“A lot of people are coming up really for the day or staying over for a one-night stay,” she said.
“And because everyone is just complying so well in all of British Columbia, I think the confidence is there.”
Whistler Mayor Jack Crompton said the community has been taking a slow approach to reopening, and noted that many businesses remain shuttered and working on their safety plans.
He said the resort municipality is focused on having a strong July and August." Simon Little, GlobalNews June 3, 2020
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Buying Bear Spray: Purchasing Guide by BearSmart
The Get Bear Smart Society recommends: Frontiersman, Counter Assault, Defense Aerosols (Yukon Magnum and Bear Defence Professional) and UDAP. You can also purchase a survival kit.
BearSmart Society - considering donating. For family-friendly safe bear viewing visit www.whistlerphotosafaris.com